Friday, February 14, 2020
A Cross-Sectoral Investigation of Strategic Fit vs Flexibility Dissertation
A Cross-Sectoral Investigation of Strategic Fit vs Flexibility - Dissertation Example 6.4.1 Employee Satisfaction 46 6.4.2 Service Quality 47 6.4.3 Customer Satisfaction 49 6.5: Conclusion 50 Chapter 7 - Conclusion 51 7.1: Contributions of the Research 53 7.2: Implications of the Research 55 7.2.1 Implications for Public Sector Organisations 55 7.2.2 Implications for Future Research 57 7.3: Limitations of Study 59 7.4: Final Conclusion 59 References 61 72 Appendix I: Interview Transcripts and Coding 73 Appendix I.1: Organisation A (Public Sector) 74 Appendix I.2: Organisation B (Private Sector) 101 Appendix II: Conceptual Models 124 125 Organisation A Conceptual Models 126 Appendix II.2 131 Organisation B Conceptual Models 131 Organisation A Conceptual Models 137 Appendix II.2 142 Organisation B Conceptual Models 142 Acknowledgements Without the continued emotional and financial support provided by my parents, I may have not reached the end of this journey. During my studies there were times when work commitments and intermittent financial stress made me believe that I would not be able to see this journey through. It was during these times, and many others, that my parents' words of encouragement and their confidence in my ability gave me the motivation to persist. No words of thanks can adequately express the depth of my appreciation and love. I would also like to seize this opportunity to personally thank my supervisor, . I cannot express the extent to which his encouragement, support, understanding and, above all, his prompt, constructive and greatly appreciated criticism and feedback, were invaluable to the research, writing and completion of this study. Thank you. Abstract Strategic human resource management is, undoubtedly, an integral factor in organisational success but, it only represents an element within the... 1.1: Introduction Focusing on the prevalent organisational structure and management distinctions between the private and the public sector, the dissertation aims to demonstrate the tendency of the public sector to adhere to outmoded and inefficient management models as compared to the best practices models, strategies, tools and mechanisms adopted within the private sector. The disparity between public and private sector management styles and paradigms is customarily justified through reference to organisational structural differences. This dissertation takes a contrary position, arguing that even though there may exist structural differences between public and private sector organisations, the differences are not such as to prevent the successful implementation of private sector management strategies and paradigms in public sector organizations, as would allow for the adoption of Total Quality Management lending to the evolution of an effective and efficient human resource. These statements and argum ents shall be validated through a review of the literature on public and private sector organisations and contemporary management strategies and, solidified through the results of the field study. 1.2: Importance of Topic The current study proposes to examine the similarities and differences between the public and the private sector for determination of whether or not private sector management strategies withstand successful adaptation to, and implementation in, the private sector.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Comparison of Nursing Process Theory','Helath Promotional Theory' and Essay
Comparison of Nursing Process Theory','Helath Promotional Theory' and 'Health as Expanding Consciousness Theory' - Essay Example To date, most of the research in nursing has been of the theory-testing variety with little concern for where and how theories were developed. Theoretical progress in a discipline is measured to a great extent by the number and the quality of the theories developed by its scholars. From that point of view in nursing, the most useful measure of research outcome is the growth in sound theory on which to base nursing care and education (LoBiondo-Wood. & Harber, 2006). Nursing theories may be classified by their levels of abstraction along a continuum from grand theories to practice theories. As alluded to above, grand theories are broad and abstract and do not easily lend themselves to application or testing. In contrast, narrow-range theories are very precise and restricted in their focus. It is evident that for a theory to be usefully generalized to other nursing situations, it needs to be abstract. However, this means that it is difficult to operationalize the concepts within a theory. Being abstract means, there are no measurable indicators, and this it becomes very difficult to test the concepts and propositions through systematic and rigorous research. Mid-range theories go some way towards solving this problem. They are moderately abstract and inclusive but are composed of concepts and propositions which are measurable. Therefore, midrange theories, at their best, balance the need for precision with the need to be sufficiently abstract. Mi d-range theories are more focused than grand theories. They have fewer concepts and variables within their structure, are presented in a more testable form, have a more limited scope and have a stronger relationship with research and practice. Mid-range theories provide nurses easy applicability in practice and enough abstract ideas to be scientifically interesting (Tomey & Alligood, 2006). Comparison In this assignment, three nursing theories will be compared. These are "Nursing Process Theory", "Health Promotional Theory" and "Health as Expanding Consciousness Theory." Background of the Theorists Ida Jean Orlando was born in 1926 in New York. Her nursing education began at New York Medical College School of Nursing where she received a diploma in nursing. In 1951, she received a Bachelor of Science degree in public health nursing from St. John's University in Brooklyn, New York, and in 1954, she completed a master's degree in nursing from Columbia University. Orlando's early nursing practice experience included obstetrics, medicine, and emergency room nursing. Her first book, The Dynamic Nurse-Patient Relationship: Function, Process and Principles (1961), was based on her research and blended nursing practice, psychiatric-mental health nursing, and nursing education (Tomey & Alligood, 2006). Dr. Jean Watson has earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in nursing and psychiatric-mental health nursing and holds a doctorate in educational psychology and counseling. Dr. Watson's published works on the philosophy and theory of human caring and the art and science of nursing are used by clinical nurses and
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