Friday, November 8, 2019
An Examining Of The Great Commission Religion Essay Example
An Examining Of The Great Commission Religion Essay Example An Examining Of The Great Commission Religion Essay An Examining Of The Great Commission Religion Essay God authorized and commanded me to committee you: Travel out and develop everyone you meet, far and close, in this manner of life, taging them by baptism in the treble name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then teach them in the pattern of all I have commanded you. I ll be with you as you do this, twenty-four hours after twenty-four hours, right up to the terminal of the age. ( Matt 28:18-20 The Message ) 18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, stating, All power is given unto me in Eden and in Earth. 19 Go ye hence, and learn all states, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: A 20Teaching them to detect all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the terminal of the universe. Amen. ( Matt 28:18-20 KJV ) Introduction The Gospel of Matthew ends Jesus meeting with His apostles in Galilee. This was a particular meeting and would alter the class of universe history in many ways. The meeting was foretold by Jesus in Matthew 26:31-32: 31 Then Jesus said to them, You will all fall off because of me this dark. For it is written, I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered. 32 But after I am raised up, hello will travel before you to Galilee. This meeting was announced both by an angel ( Matt 28:78 ) and Jesus Himself ( Matt28:10 ) . It was a meeting filled with assorted emotions. Some had run off and others had denied Him before His decease. Now He stood before them, alive. Their reaction was to bow down in worship ( Matt 28:16-17 ) I was a meeting in which Jesus gave His adherents a bid that we now refer to a the great committee. Person one time said that this was seen by many Christians as the great suggestion, but it is a bid that lies at the bosom of the Church and from which she operates. The bid ends with the beautiful promise that He would ever be with them. This is non something to be ignored, but to be a changeless portion of the Church s operation every bit good as that of every truster. I will be looking at what makes this committee so GREAT. I Great in its Authority To Jesus was given all authorization. As the Godhead, He is the One who has the original right to make all things: For by1 him all things were created, in Eden and on Earth, seeable and unseeable, whether thrones or rules or swayers or authorities-all things were created through him and for him. And is before all things, and in him all things hold together. ( Colossians 1:16-1 ) What higher authorization than the Godhead Himself to publish such a bid. As our Redeemer, this authorization is even more marked: who, though he was in the signifier of God, did non number equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nil, taking the signifier of a retainer, being born in the similitude of work forces. And being found in human signifier, he humbled himself by going obedient to the point of decease, even decease on a cross. Therefore God has extremely exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every articulatio genus should bow, in Eden and on Earth and under the Earth, and every lingua confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glorification of God the Father. ( Philippians2:6-11 ) Jesus has all authorization both in Eden and on Earth ( 1 Pet 1:1-5, Eph 1:20-23 ) . This is the authorization with which He speaks and this is the authorization to which we must respond. Cipher has a higher authorization. No authorities or organisation can in any manner cancel His authorization. There is no political system or doctrine that is above His authorization. The Bible ; e says that He is above all the male monarchs of the Earth ( Rev 1:5, Psa 2:1-12 ; 110:1-6 ) Jesus surely deserves our obeisance to Him. He is talking with an authorization that is above this universe. While worlds can be fallible, Jesus can and will present on His promises. Even His promises comes with the highest authorization ( 2 Pet 1:2-5 ) It is on the footing of such great authorization that Jesus give the great committee. Not merely great in authorization, but besides great in mission. II Great in Mission The mission is the focal point, the way in which we must go. It is the mission that guides our wlak through life in obeisance to Jesus. We are to do adherents. The word used here is the Grecian word Matheteuo which is defined as to go a student ; to disciple, i.e. enrol as bookman: be disciple, instruct, Teach. We are to do scholars, disciples and impersonators of Jesus Christ. Even during His ministry on Earth, Jesus was continually ask foring people to go His adherents ( Matt 4:18-22 ; 11:28-30 ) . When ask foring them, He expected them to go like Him: A adherent is non above his instructor, but everyone when he is to the full trained will be like his instructor. ( Luke 6:40 ) Jesus tells us how to travel about doing adherents. He gives us non merely a bid, but besides the manner to obey that bid. First by baptising in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Baptism for the forgiveness of wickednesss ( Acts 2:38 ; 22:16 ) Baptism in H2O ( Acts 8:35-38 ; 10:47-48 ) A entombment of the old ( Rom 6:3-6 ; Col 2:11-12 ) Second by learning them to detect the things He taught and commanded. Baptism is merely the beginning. Teaching must go on afterwards. This was the instance with the early adherents ( Acts 2:41-42 ) . Jesus said that both baptism and ongoing instruction is what is indispensable to true discipleship. Not merely great in authorization, and great in mission, the great committee was besides great in range. III Great in Scope The bid was FOR ALL NATIONS. They were to travel into all the universe and preach to everyone ( Mark 16:15 ) . They were to be informants to the extreme parts of the Earth ( Acts 1:8 ) . They were to go forth no rock unturned so to talk. This was non limited to merely Israel as we find in Matthew 10, but to every state under the Sun. While Israel had been the focal point of God s redemption program up to that point, now, with the work of Jesus on the cross, all states, Jews and non Jews could go fellow inheritors to the Kingdom of God ( Ephesians 2:11-22 ) . The nazarene wants us to believe globally, non merely locally. While we should non disregard our local community, we should besides believe of those outside our ain little universe. As human being we have a inclination to concentrate on our small world. We do non look outside of the few people we know or encounter each twenty-four hours, and that is where we start with the Gospel, but that is no where is should halt. The work of redemption is available to all God s animals. All the assorted states are a portion of that creative activity and all have the redemption work of Jesus available to them as a gift of grace. The great committee has great authorization, is great in its mission, great in its range, and great in its promise. IV Great in its Promise Jesus said that He will ever be with us. This promise is similar to the 1 He made earlier to His apostles: For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them. ( Matthew 18:20 ) It is similar to a promise He made to those who follow His commandments: : I will non go forth you as orphans ; I will come to you. Yet a small piece and the universe will see me no more, but you will see me. k Because I live, you besides will populate. In that twenty-four hours you will cognize that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me swill be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him. Judas ( non Iscariot ) said to him, Lord, how is it that you will attest yourself to us, and non to the universe? A Jesus answered him, If anyone loves me, he will maintain my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and do our place with him. ( John 14:18-2 ) It is a promise similar to the one God Gave to Moses ( Exo 3:11-12 ) Joshua ( Josh 1:5 ) The state of Israel ( Isa 41:10 ) I is a promise that provides comfort, particularly in times of subjugation ( Rom 8:31-38 ; Heb 13:5-6 ) This promise is besides to the terminal of clip. It extends even to when the great crop will happen ( Matt 13:39-43 ) . Throughout the Christian age, Jesus will everlastingly be with His adherents as they go into all the universe devising adherents. Through the Holy Spirit, we receive the necessary gifts to non merely promote each other, but besides to enable us to set the great committee into action. V Conclusion The great committee is non merely limited to the apostles. It is of import to observe that the adherents were to observe all things that I commanded you . The adherents were besides to detect this bid along with all the other instructions of Jesus. The bid does non halt with the original adherents, but carries on until the terminal of clip. The great committee is a committee for the Church as good. The inquiry is whether we are honouring the great committee in our lives today. There are some things we can make to look into if we are: Are we subjecting to the authorization of Jesus? Are we working, in whatever capacity to do adherents of Jesus? Are we endeavoring to do adherents in all the states of the universe? Are we staying in His words and thereby doing certain His staying presence is in our lives? Shortly after Jesus gave the great committee, Jesus ascended into Eden. His earlier adherents took that committee and as a consequence did great things with it. As a concluding word I would wish to add a verse form written by Greg Steir, which puts the focal point of our duty for the great committee into focal point: Do nt Trouble oneself Me Do nt trouble oneself me with psyches to salvage. I have my ain docket. There s work to make, athleticss to play, Important things to go to to. Do nt trouble oneself me with that small miss, The miss playing in the street. She s much excessively immature to understand The Saviour she could run into Do nt trouble oneself me with my friend at work. He s got his ain faith. I do nt hold clip to alter his head. He ll do his ain determination. Do nt trouble oneself me with the distant sounds I hear, The sound of people shouting. Although I wonder who they are. Who are these victims shrilling? Do nt trouble oneself me with who they are. I truly do nt desire the incrimination. For it s the small miss and my friend at work Who from snake pit shriek out my name . But do nt trouble oneself me.
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